
Like countless others, I've decided to put my voice on the web. Yes, just another voice among so many others; a voice that will likely never be heard. But that's fine.

I begin this blog today, upon hearing of my childhood friend's passing. Sadly, cancer claimed his body, but in so many ways his spirit will live on. I mention this because amidst all the craziness of life, big decisions and problems that I'm facing, everything is put into perspective. So with that, I dedicate this to my friend, Ronald Lang. See you in Paradise!

Ronald Lang, 1982 - 2014

Today, in honor of my late friend, I've decided to live life...again. Oh, I've lived life, here and there. But I mean living life, intentionally, with all my heart, giving 100% up to The One who has never lead me astray. Without abandonment, that's what I'm talking about. Life is indeed, too precious. We are guaranteed NOTHING; life is a gift, an amazing gift! Not coincidentally, I recently came upon this gem. "These moments, these are all we have in this life."

This is my personal blog, so anything goes. But, good chance that my topics of interest will be (in no particular preference): daily observations, photos, gadgets, web design, quotes, faith, food, travel.

Enjoy. Post number one.

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