A Couple Weeks In...

Since I decided to leave my job, the past couple weeks have been different, to say the least. I still can't say I have a daily routine, at least one that I'm comfortable yet. However, I've been spending a good amount of time at Starbucks, and various other cafes.

Heh, I wish I could say my freelance work has gone up as much as my coffee consumption, unfortunately that's not the case.

The first week was fun - freedom, making my own schedule, no boss! Then the second week came, and it hit me. I was at Starbucks, working away learning new technologies I hadn't been exposed to at previous jobs, and I realized I'm not getting a paycheck at the end of the day. All of this "working", and unless I pick up a job, what am I really producing? Not going to lie, it was a tough reality check, but nothing I didn't already know.

So, yes, I'm still looking to score some jobs. Regardless, tomorrow I will still wake up and take one step forward. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but here I am, moving forward, no regrets.

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