As the Dust Settles...

Just a few weeks ago the Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage a right. A landmark decision, to be sure.

Many celebrated in victory.

Others...well, not so much.

I won't dive in to the arguments being made on either side of the issue, but as a Christian it's been eye opening to say the least. In particular, it's been interesting to see how both Christians and non-Christians make crazy assumptions about Christians as a whole.

Recently, I came across this Sojourners article and the third point I thought was relevant given the current national climate.

We come from all walks of life. Christianity is a diverse faith that incorporates an infinite number of cultures, ethnicities, races, and lifestyles. There are thousands of denominations inundated with varying traditions, styles, and beliefs throughout the entire world. No two Christians believe exactly the same thing.

Sometimes we argue — a lot — about these differences, and this is why it’s sometimes confusing to identify exactly what Christians believe. Christians can be pro-life, pro-choice, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, criminals, victims, intelligent, ignorant, right, wrong, pacifists, soldiers, young, old, married, single, divorced, gay, or straight.

Despite our countless differences, we’re all connected by our love for Jesus.