Thus ends the 2013-2014 NBA Season

If you missed this year's NBA finals, you may have missed what could possibly be the last time a team plays basketball the way it was meant to be played. The San Antonio Spurs play a brand of basketball that many fans may call "boring". A…

First Lyft Experience

I had the great pleasure of celebrating a good friend's wedding in Newport Beach. My wife and I decided to get a hotel in the area, and just spend the weekend up there. I was introduced to Lyft [] several months ago, when they were…


Easter Season. In just a few days many, including myself, will be celebrating Easter holiday. In brief, it signifies the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. For those that follow Christ, it is definitely so much more. Perhaps, even the cornerstone of our faith. A time for remembrance.…

A Couple Weeks In...

Since I decided to leave my job, the past couple weeks have been different, to say the least. I still can't say I have a daily routine, at least one that I'm comfortable yet. However, I've been spending a good amount of time at…

HTML5 Native Drag n Drop

Recently I had my first forray into creating a small drag and drop web app. Just wanted to jot down a few notes that might speed up the learning curve. Lessons learned, if you will. Javascript API * dragstart * dragenter * dragover * dragleave * drop * dragend These are pretty self explanatory, triggered appropriately…

All Things New

Today I woke up to something I've not experienced in 10 job to go to. After a series of events, I've decided to stop working full-time (for the man!), and pursue a venture of my own. Well, at least for the time being. What…


Like countless others, I've decided to put my voice on the web. Yes, just another voice among so many others; a voice that will likely never be heard. But that's fine. I begin this blog today, upon hearing of my childhood friend's passing. Sadly,…